An Ordinance Appropriating Reimbursement From various entities for the city of conway police department
An Ordinance Appropriating Reimbursement From various entities for the city of conway police department
An Ordinance Accepting the Annexation of Certain Lands comprised of ±67.52 acres located at 3208 nutters chapel rd
An ordinance to appropriate funding and approve the purchase of five new vehicles for the conway pd
An Ordinance appropriating funds from JSI Metal Recyling for the Conway emergency operations center
An ordinance appropriating funds for the conway police department from the arkansas department of public safety Equpment grant
An ordinance accepting the annexation of certain lands in the area of sturgis road
An ordinance appropriating funds for the technology installation in the new transportation department building
An ordinance appropriating funds for the installation of fiber optic service to the dave ward drive traffic signal system
An Ordinance Accepting Grant Proceeds Awarded to the Conway Fire Department Bomb Squad
An Ordinance Appropriating Funds for the Conway Fire Department for the use of reimbursing the Conway Fire Department Overtime Account
An Ordinance Appropriating Funds for the Conway Fire Department for the use of repairing Truck 6
An Ordinance Appropriating Funds for the Conway Fire Department for the use of departmental beanies
An Ordinance Appropriating Funding for the Conway Community Center
an ordinance amending the conway zoning district boundary map referenced in sections 201.1 and 201.3 of the conway zoning code to rezone a portion of millers creek lot 22 from R-1 to R-2
An ordinance approving the private club permit for Guacamole Social Club DBA Guacamole, inc.
An Ordinance Waiving The Competitive Bid process for the purchase of LPR equipment from flock safety and appropriating asset forfeiture funds for the conway police department
An Ordinance Appropriating Police department asset forfeiture funds for rental of the training facility range
An Ordinance Establishing New Rental Fees FOR THE CONWAY EXPO CENTER
An Ordinance Regulating Natural Landscaping for the City of Conway
An Ordinance To Rezone Property Located At 931 Faulkner St from O-3 to C-1
an ordinance appropriating funds for the Linn Settlement for the Conway Transportation Department
An Ordinance Amending Chapter 11.16 Section 11.16.06 of the The Conway Municipal Code
An Ordinance Appropriating Funds For Capital improvement projects for the Conway Regional Airport
An Ordinance Authorizing The Issuance And Sale of $6,000,000 of subordinate electric revenue improvement bonds