The Public Art Advisory Committee consists of three (3) experts in the field of art, either art historian, gallery director, or other art professional, four (2) members of the community at large.

Forming Document: O-22-129
Members: Five (5)
Terms: Two (2) Years
Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
Conway Municipal Building, 1111 Main Street, Conway, AR 72032
Contact: Felicia Rogers, Assistant to the Mayor | (501) 450-6110

Mission Statement: The Public Art Advisory Committee strives to encourage an artistic Conway through the creation, acquisition, and/or display of community-centered art.

Members Term End
Name: Morgan Lefler Term End: Dec. 31, 2026
Name: Felicia Rogers, Ex Officio  
Name: Kasey Jordan Term End: Dec. 31, 2026
Name: Christian Cutler Term End: Dec. 31, 2026
Name: Ashley Bruce Term End: Dec. 31, 2026
Name: Bryttani Montgomery Term End: Dec. 31, 2026