Annual Boards & Commissions Openings

All City boards/commissions meet at City Hall (1111 Main Street) in the Townhall Square Conference Room or the Council Chambers. All meetings are recorded and broadcast on Channel 22, the City of Conway's Facebook Page, and YouTube page. Applicants are only allowed to miss four meetings in a rolling 12-month period. Interested Individuals must live within the city limits of Conway and be willing to attend all meetings in person. Information submitted for any City of Conway boards/commission is subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.

Anyone interested in being a part of any of the boards/commissions stated above may submit the nomination form on the City's website located at

The deadline for nominations is Thursday, October 31st, 2024.

Airport Advisory Committee
2 available positions / 4-year term
*Special Requirement

The Airport Advisory Committee has two open positions. One position must be a licensed pilot, and the other will be an at-large position. The Committee advises the City on airport management, operations, & facilities. The Airport Advisory Committee typically meets quarterly or as needed.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Board
2 available positions / 3-year term

The Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Board has two open positions. The mission of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (BPAB) is to work with the City of Conway to recommend ways the city can remain:

  1. An official Bicycle-Friendly Community as designated by the League of American Bicyclists.
  2. An official Walk-Friendly Community as designated by the UNC Highway Safety Research Center and the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center.
  3. A community that seeks to achieve the federal and state goals of the Safe Routes to Schools program.

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board meets on the third Thursday of every month at 6:30pm.

Civil Service Commission
1 available positions / 6-year term

The Conway Civil Service has one open position. The Civil Service Commission is responsible for creating eligibility lists for uniform appointments and promotions within the Police and Fire departments. Additionally, the commission reviews and adjudicates appeals related to disciplinary actions. The City Council established a board of civil service commissioners for the Police and Fire departments, pursuant to Arkansas Code §14-51-102. Neither the Civil Service Commission nor any of the individual commissioners have any control over the normal and routine day-to-day operations of the Police and Fire departments, directly or indirectly (A.C.A §14-51-212). The Commission meets when necessary

Conway Tree Board
3 available positions / 3-year term

The Conway Tree Board has three open positions. The Conway Tree Board was created by the Conway City Council to preserve and enhance the natural beauty of Conway, to protect the health and safety of the residents of Conway, and to protect the environment by providing the development of a Community Forest Management Plan for the regulation of the planting, maintenance, removal, and protection of trees on public property within the City of Conway. The Conway Tree Board meets on the first Monday of each month @ 4:30pm.

Diversity Advisory Council
2 available positions / 4-year term

The Diversity Advisory Council has two open positions. This Board was created to bring together citizens of Conway from diverse backgrounds to foster dialogue and establish an action plan that nurtures relationships and encourages community engagement while promoting a positive sense of culture & community. The Diversity Advisory Council is responsible for the annual "Culture in the Park" held in Martin Luther King Jr. Square and a Community Conversations Roundtable forum, where key government officials and community stakeholders discuss various topics (community and government issues, mental health, economic empowerment, etc.) The Diversity Advisory Council usually meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm.

Historic District Commission
2 available positions / 3-year term
*Special Requirements

The Historic District Commission has two open positions. One position must live or own property in the Old Conway Design Overlay District and one at large position. Members shall demonstrate a positive interest in historic preservation, architecture, history, urban or regional planning, building rehabilitation, real estate, or preservation or conservation in general. Members meet on the fourth Monday of each month @ 5:30 pm.

Oak Grove Cemetery Board
1 available positions / 5-year term

1 partial position -- Ending December 31, 2026

The Oak Grove Cemetery Board has two open positions. You The Board is looking for someone interested in helping establish policies and assisting in the cemetery's upkeep, promotion, grave site sales, and record preservation. The Board typically meets on the third Monday of each month at 5:30 pm or when necessary.

Planning Commission
2 available positions / 5-year term

The Conway Planning Commission is accepting nominations for two positions. The new commissioners will serve a five-year term. They will become part of the ten-person Planning Commission, which hears requests and makes recommendations to the City Council concerning zoning, conditional uses, annexations, and the moving of buildings. The Commission also reviews changes to the zoning, subdivision, and other planning-related ordinances, develops master plans for the orderly growth and development of the City of Conway, and reviews and approves subdivisions and replats of land. The Commission typically meets at 6:30 pm on the third Monday of each month unless scheduled otherwise. Commissioners may also attend occasional committee meetings.

Public Art Advisory Committee
5 available positions / 4-year term

The Public Art Advisory Committee is seeking five members to join their Committee. Three positions will be filled by experts in the field of art, either art historian, gallery director, or other art professional, and two positions at large community members who are interested in being active in the community and enjoy art. The Public Art Advisory Committee is responsible for many of the murals and art in Conway and strives to encourage an artistic community through the creation, acquisition, and/or display of community-centered art. The Committee typically meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm.

Robinson Cemetery Board
2 available positions / 5-year term

The Robinson Cemetery Board has two open positions. The Board seeks someone interested in helping preserve local history at the Robinson Cemetery in the Historic Pine Street Neighborhood. Board members are sometimes asked to visit the cemetery to show visitors around and assist with site cleanup. Still, duties are otherwise related to the general operation of the facility. The Robinson Cemetery Board establishes policies and assists the cemetery's upkeep and record preservation. The Board typically meets quarterly or when necessary to discuss cemetery operations.