Welcome to the City of Conway online employment application page. We are glad that you are interested in applying for employment with the City of Conway. Please read the following instructions carefully before proceeding to the online application, they will help you complete the application process successfully.

This online employment application will require that you have the latest version of Adobe Reader or an equivalent PDF reader installed in order to fill out the document.

  1. Please read through all steps then, click the link at the bottom of the page to download the online employment application.
  2. Open the online application in Adobe Reader or an equivalent PDF reader, as attempting to save the document in-browser does not work without the proper plugin.
    *Please, do not attempt to fill the form in Chrome*
  3. Complete the application fully.
  4. Save your application as, first initial, last name, application, i.e. "jsmith application" to your local computer.
  5. We recommend that you print your application before submitting.
  6. Open an email application and compose your email, attach the newly saved application, and address the email to: jobs@conwayarkansas.gov
  7. We recommend that you add your email address to the cc so a copy of the application can be emailed to you.
  8. At this point you may attach your resume or any other supporting documents.
  9. Now click the send button.

Link to Employment Application

You are welcome to contact the Human Resources at 501 450-6102 the following day to confirm that your application was received.